The Joan Daley Uebelhoer Outstanding Women’s Studies Major Award honors the student who represents the very best of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, including excellence in scholarship, a commitment to social justice, and activism on behalf of women. The award is named after Joan Daley Uebelhoer, a long-time instructor in the Women’s Studies Program at Purdue Fort Wayne and a devoted community leader and activist. Donations to Community Friends of Women’s Studies funds the award each year.
To be eligible, a student must:
- be a women’s studies major
- have completed at least 12 credit hours towards the women’s studies major
- have a 3.5 or above GPA in the major
- demonstrate a commitment to activism and service on behalf of women
Faculty can nominate students for this award, or a student may self-nominate. All nominees are asked to submit a short essay of no more than 250 words illustrating their commitment to social justice and their activism on behalf of women. Essays formatted in .doc/x should be sent to The deadline for applications is the second week of March.
If you are unsure if you are eligible, the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies office can help you locate your credit hours and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies GPA.